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The cutting performance of copper and the choice of cutting parameters, explain in detail the appearance of copper, copper cutting performance

Release time:2021-08-03Click:1112

Copper Red Copper is pure copper, also known as Red Copper. It is not necessarily pure copper but is sometimes added with a small amount of deoxidization or other elements to improve the material and properties and is therefore also classified as a copper alloy. According to the composition, Chinese red copper processing materials can be divided into four categories: ordinary red copper (T1, T2, T3, T4) , oxygen-free copper (TU1, TU2 and high purity, oxygen-free copper in vacuum) , deoxygen copper (Tup, Tumn) , special copper (as-copper, tellurium-copper, silver-copper) with a small amount of alloying elements. Proper amount of lead, tellurium and sulfur can improve the machinability. 2, brass to zinc as the main element of copper alloy, with a beautiful yellow, collectively known as brass. Brass alloys containing less than 36% zinc are composed of solid solution and have good cutting properties. For example, brass containing 30% zinc is commonly used to make cartridge case, commonly known as Shell brass or Septa brass. Brass alloys with zinc content between 36% and 42% consist of and solid solution, of which the most commonly used is 64 brass with zinc content of 40% . Other elements such as aluminum, nickel, manganese, tin, silicon and lead are often added to improve the properties of brass. Brass is divided into: 1) brass, which is an alloy of copper and zinc. The code name is denoted by "H + number" , h denoted brass, and the number denoted the mass fraction of copper. For example, H68 represents brass containing 68% copper and 32% zinc, while cast brass is preceded by "Z" , such as ZH62. H90, H80 single-phase, golden yellow, it is called gold, called plating, decorations, medals and so on. H68, H59 belong to two-phase brass, widely used in electrical structures, such as bolts, nuts, washers, springs and so on. In general, cold deformation processing of single-phase brass hot deformation processing of dual-phase brass. 2) special brass a special brass is a multi-component alloy consisting of other alloying elements added to ordinary brass. Often add elements such as lead, tin, aluminum, and so on, can be called lead brass, tin brass, aluminum brass. The purpose of adding alloying elements. Mainly to improve the tensile strength to improve the process. Code: For"H + main plus element symbol (except zinc) + copper mass fraction + main plus element mass fraction + other elements mass fraction". For example: HPb59-1 means the mass fraction of copper is 59% , the mass fraction of lead containing the main additive element is 1% , the remainder is zinc lead brass. 3. cupronickel copper alloy with nickel as the main additive. Copper-nickel Binary Alloy said ordinary white copper; add manganese, iron, zinc, aluminum and other elements of white copper alloy said complex white copper. 4. Bronze originally referred to copper-tin Alloy, and later all copper alloys except brass and cupronickel were called bronze, often preceded by the names of the first major added elements, such as tin bronze, lead bronze, beryllium bronze, and phosphor bronze. SYMBOL: the representation is composed of "Q + Main plus element symbol and mass fraction + mass fraction of other elements" . Casting products in the code before the word "Z" . Tin Bronze according to the production method can be divided into pressure processing tin bronze and casting tin bronze two categories.

2.The appearance of copper white, brass, red copper (also known as "red copper") , bronze (bronze gray or gray yellow) is different from the color. White copper, brass is easy to distinguish, red copper is pure copper (impurity & Lt; 1%) , bronze (other alloy composition about 5%) slightly difficult to distinguish. When not oxidized, red copper is brighter than bronze, which is slightly bluish or yellowish and darker. After oxidation, red copper turns black, while bronze is bluish green (harmful oxidation due to water) or chocolate.

3.The sawing performance of copper is analyzed from the cutting force. From big to small, it is divided into bronze, white copper, brass and red copper. Red Copper is often too sticky, chip difficult, easy to adhere to the chip, therefore, in the general use of large front angle of the bimetal band saw blade to cut. Because of its relatively small cutting force, some manufacturers use high-speed sawing mode, the line speed is generally set at about 800m/min, different from the speed of high-speed aluminum, high-speed aluminum is generally cut at 2000m/min and above. Brass cuts better than copper, just as No. 10 steel cuts better than No. 45. Mainly because its chip breaking performance is better than red copper. White copper due to the addition of nickel element, its thermal conductivity is not as good as the former two, so the ability of heat dissipation is not as good as the former two, the tool wear will be greater. Bronze is the most difficult of these materials, some used to do electrode and wear-resistant parts of bronze, its hardness will be higher than 40HRC, therefore, bronze cutting can be used carbide band saw blade. But easy-to-cut bronze (with elements added for cold work) can still be sawed with a high-and low-toothed bimetal band saw blade or other high-performance band saw blades.

4.Sawing parameters


Cutting parameters of carbide band saw blade


Source: Sawing Technique, by Guo Xiru

