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Antaike: China's copper production declined in July, while zinc production increased

Release time:2020-08-11Click:1514

        Beijing, Aug. 10 (in Chinese News) Antaike said on Monday that output from China's major copper smelters in July fell 7.2% year-on-year, while zinc production increased due to summer maintenance.

    According to the survey of 22 copper smelting enterprises, the output of refined cathode copper in July was 687100 tons, down 1.7% from the revised 699200 tons in June.

    Antaike said the decline was mainly due to the maintenance of Jinchuan's 400000 ton / a smelter in Guangxi and the relocation of a smelter in Inner Mongolia.

    Antaike said maintenance work will be reduced in August, but processing costs are at a "relatively low historical level" of around $50 per ton, which will bring production to around 710000 tons this month.

    In addition, Antaike's survey of 49 Chinese producers showed that zinc production in July was 430000 tons, up 0.2% year-on-year and 6.7% higher than that in June, as smelters in Inner Mongolia, Yunnan and Anhui completed maintenance.

    With demand rebounding, zinc ingot inventories in most smelters and plants are already at zero or low levels, and zinc production is expected to increase by about 6000 tons in August and further increase in September, Antaike said.

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